Forward Looking: The Israeli Model – Triad

Today’s episode is about the most intricate components of the SPELT model – Israel’s model for water sustainability.
Legislation, Structure & Pricing go hand in hand, and thus we present them together.

Our guests today took an active part in shaping Israel’s national water sector. Their work – both past and present – will ensure the smooth supply of water for years to come. Not an easy task when you consider the outlook of an increase of 70% in population by 2050.

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Interviewed in this episode:

Oded Distel – Head of Israel NewTech
Giora Shacham – CEO and Chairman, Israel’s Water Authority
Shimon Tal – Founder, R.T.S Water Ways
Ronen Wolfman – CEO, Hutchison Water

Israel’s national water sector 2050 outlook

Follow these links to learn more:
WATEC 2019
Israel NewTech
Music credits
Dreamer Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Waterline theme by Nir Sayag

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